BESØKENDE replica sketchbook, handmade, super limited edition

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BESØKENDE replica sketchbook, handmade, super limited edition


This is a faithful 1:1 recreation of my sketchbook, “Besøkende,” which was made from mid 2019 through early 2019 as I travelled through Vermont, Oklahoma, and Norway— both the ancient city of Oslo and the isolated Lofoten archipelago. This sketchbook is incredibly special to me, being the one in which I figured out that sketchbooking is my jam, and is a way a period in the end of the sentence describing my search for a home in the work I produce. Limited to an edition of 12! “Besøkende” is the Norwegian word for “Visitor,” the tag Mounted to the cover I received when visiting NRK, the Norwegian media service, when inquiring about work. Somehow, “visitor” struck a chord with me, as it Being a visitor in my own life and the places I wanted to be was a feeling that had long permeated my time. It was also a hopeful expression, a mark that forward movement was being worked towards. This was created entirely in house— the pages of the original meticulously scanned, printed on high quality archival paper, hand sewn, covers made from raw cloth and board. This is a project that is labor intensive and done with love, and will be a very short run.

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